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ZESTIE is a personalized intuitive eating course designed for those who have unhealthy relationships with food. The users will learn to listen to their hunger cues and reflect on their psychological experience surrounding food with the implementation of Artificial Intelligence. 

Project Duration

04.30.20 - 05.28.20

10 weeks


UX Design Studio I

Prof. Eun Yoon

Team Members 

Isabella Gardner, Erin Imhof, Laeryn Plankey, Lekha Veeramachaneni

My Role 

Research | Evaluation

Product Design

Gold in Digital Design for Social Change, Silver in Digital Tools and Utilities, Silver in UX, Interface & Navigation, Silver in Mobile Interaction & Experience, Bronze in Interaction Design for Social Change, Bronze in Mobile App, Bronze in Interactive Design, Bronze in UX, Interface & Navigation

4 User Mindsets

During our research we found that people tend to fall into four different mindsets. We were able to explore these through our interviews.

x - axis = Dieting Experience

y - axis = Relationship with Food

​We chose to focus on the intuitive eating prompts and incorporate the other two concepts as features. The key features would consist of:

  • Guided intuitive eating exercises

  • Journaling

  • Food forum 

  • Mentor program


Team Tim

Check out our 

Process Book:

Vision Video


  • Mentor = Zestie Intuitive

  • Eating course graduate

  • AI matched based on personality and reflections

  • Sense of community and accountability


  • Access current or any previous exercise

  • Progress at a glance

  • See what’s ahead

  • Two views for progressive disclosure


  • Progress visualizations based on your input

  • Deeper reflection on user’s intuitive eating journey

  • Keep up with feelings and time spent practicing

The Solution

ZESTIE is an app that offers personalized intuitive eating course designed for those who have unhealthy relationships with food. The users will learn to listen to their hunger cues and reflect on their psychological experience surrounding food.


Due to diet culture, many people have unhealthy, obsessive, or restrictive relationships with their food. They associate what they eat with how they look, instead of looking at food as the source of nourishment.

Our Goal

When we are babies, we eat intuitively and listen to our bodies. As we age, diet culture and societal ideals begin to inform the decisions we make about what we eat.


Our goal is to change the way people think about diet culture and the way they eat.



  • Survey
    105 participant | Ages 18 - 30 

  • Interviews
    Dietitians, diet enthusiasts, psychologists, and potential users

  • Competitive analisys 
    e.g. diet apps,  youtube channels, dieting books, social media

  • Diary Study
    A/B testing intuitive eating vs. traditional eating

Key Insights



People eat unintuitively due to compulsion and distraction.


People stop following diets because they are not convenient or sustainable.



People feel ashamed when eating.


People associate health with weight and appearance.


People love food, but they don’t allow themselves to enjoy it.


Healthy Eating 

People deem healthy food unexciting, and associate unhealthy food with guilt.


People’s hunger level and fullness cues can be hard to understand.


Change user’s negative mentality surrounding food by creating a plan to encourage healthy eating and mindfulness

Reframe the mental model of healthy

Encourage people to maintain nutrition in a way that works for them long term

Direct users to effectively listen to their body signals

How might we change user’s negative mentality surrounding food by creating a plan to encourage healthy eating and mindfulness?

Target Mindsets

Convenience and Restrictive

Final Design

What I learned

This project took place in the starting weeks of the pandemic, during quarantine. Coming into a new team and starting the new dynamic of working remotely, I learned to adapt and work with what is available. We managed to develop a successful project with the limitations of the pandemic by getting creative with our approach to the process of design and discovering new resources to works towards our final deliverables. 

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